Saturday, 11 February 2012

Catching up!

Well, hey there. How you all doin?

I know it has been awhile, and we are not doing a great job of keeping you all entertained, but we promise to try and be better...

We' have been quite busy, just so you know! We decided to take a trip to one of the nearby falls, their are about 4 of them within 30 miles (or 2.5 hours...the roads are AWESOME!). Here is a sign I am sure we are all happy to see when driving someplace by yourself...

Yes, that is right...MILITARY ESCORTS! Anyone want to guess how my risk analyzing wife responded to that? Not ones to be deterred, we ventured on anyways! The road was more a cart path than a road, but I did my best Chad Jackson impression and drove like I rented it! Indy car all the way, baby...bobbing and weaving through the potholes! I had fun, not sure about my passengers...they stayed relatively quiet, that's good enough.

The drive was worth it though, what a beautiful place!

The pool underneath the waterfall was quite deep, so there was some rock climbing and cliff jumping going on!

Yes...Penny was very happy...

I even managed to coax Penny out...but it took some coaxing!

She did eventually grow a pair and jump in.

(Apparently this has all been covered in her last blog, but I spent too much time doing this to delete it....)

We headed to the coast on Monday, with Hopkins being our destination.

Hopkins is nice. A tiny little Garifuna village of about 1800, with the southern side being filled with resorts of varying price and amenities. We ended up staying in a little B&B between a couple of resorts. What a great place! COMFORT!!! Finally!

I was really looking forward to some, I mean Penny was really looking forward to some comfort. King bed? Yes please. AC, okay. Awesome pool? Sure!

As Vince Vaughn would say: "You're so money, and you don't even know it"

The had a tiny dog too!

This is Bella! What a little sweetheart! I think she doubled as the local tow truck, but that was neither confirmed nor denied.

There was a beach too! We like beaches, don't we?

After 2 nights, um I mean days...we decided to split ways with Craig and Julie and head to Placencia. As much as we liked the B&B, Hopkins itself was nothing that grabbed our attention.

Placencia, on the other hand, is friggin AWE-SOME! It's on a peninsula jutting out from the mainland (because that's what peninsulas do, you know!) that at times is about 100' wide. There is SO MUCH development going on on the road coming in...there is going to be some sweet ass places there soon. (There are already some...)

Again, not sure how well it translates...but there are not only roads leading to these places...those are water canal streets in the foreground that span the entire development. We wanty!

Unlike Hopkins, however, the town of Placencia itself is super charming and neat. The main street isn't a street at's a freaking concrete pathway! What???

This place truly is "too cool for school" and has a great mix of old world and new world...lots of rich peeps hanging around too!

Tough life.

We could have stayed there for days (well, it would have required a hotel change...ick!) but we were so bug/sand flea bitten we decided to head home to rest and recuperate. This will definitely be on our agenda for the last 2 weeks before we head back to Canada. Did I mention I got to play in an underground poker game with a guy named "Big Dog"? Who does this?? Apparently we do.

That's about all...we're bumming around San Ignacio right now...the weather has gone all crappy on us again. :( We are prepping for Guatemala now...should continue the fun!

We miss you all, and wish you all the best!


1 comment:

  1. Looks like a wonderful adventure so far Pen and Andrew, continue to update us with the blog! Miss you!---Kristy
