Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Tuesday's thoughts, Vol. 1

So, we thought we would have a weekly installment where we discuss and determine what we learned in the previous week. Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

Thus we bring you: Tuesday’s Thoughts (or Martes Memories if you prefer!)

Here is what I (Andrew) learned this week:
·        Service is not a Belizean restaurants best quality
·        Cooking chicken is. (mmm, pollo!)
·        I miss the Microwave immensely
·        I miss hot water so much more.
·        There are a billion dogs here, but surprisingly few cats. I wonder if there is a correlation there…
·        Emission controls on vehicles have not made it this far south.
·        The Jungle is NOT peaceful!
·        Iguanas fall out of trees occasionally. (and make very loud bangs on the roof!)
·        There are lots of food shows on the travel network
·        My wife has a disturbing attraction to prison shows
·        My wife is VERY good at Scrabble.
·        I am AWFUL at Scrabble
·        For a small people, the Mayans had really tall stairs
·        All the supermarkets in Belize are run by Chinese. I am NOT kidding about this.
·        $2Bz Rum and Cokes don’t get old very quickly
·        Maraschino Cherries soaked in 151 Rum taste very, very bad.

Hello blogger land! Week 1 was quite entertaining and educational. Here are Penny’s thoughts this week:

·        Your feet can take you places, but only so far
·        Cold showers are surprisingly refreshing
·        I will (hopefully) never get used to the sight of neglected dogs roaming around in various states of starvation, injury, and pregnancy.
·        The jungle is deafeningly loud at night
·        Humidity makes you sweat without even working out, so I’m thinking I don’t need to work out.
·        I am struggling without unlimited internet and television at my fingertips. After a lot of internal debate, I’m ok with that. Minimum standards are called minimum standards for a reason.
·        The ‘hot’ faucet is a mean, mean teaser. Nothing even comes out of it.
·        Living with bugs is a way of life in the jungle. Killing them seems like cutting grass with scissors.

I’m sure we both have many more thoughts and comments but that’s all we can come up with at the moment. Plus, we want you all to come back next week!

Stay tuned…for Foto Friday!

Take care, loved ones.


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